Finally the d-day is nearly here – tomorrow I’ll be getting the decision from the fongecif (the organisation to which all companies contribute which allows people like me to have their salary paid whilst they follow a long training course). Will they pay 90% of my salary and the training fees for the 7 months of my French Cuisine diploma course ? I’ll find out tomorrow.
For me, this is the start of a whole new chapter – am I cut out to be a chef and then a restaurant owner / chef ? I’m pretty sure that I could make it work….and I am absolutely positive that I will give it my all during the next 12 months.
I’ve been thinking about a restaurant for many years – ever since my ealry days as a waiter in Newcastle, up until a 3 day training course a couple of years ago at the Grégoire Ferrandi school here in Paris. Since then it’s been full on thinking / reading / meeting chefs / planning / preparing the letter of motivation / sorting things out with Capgemini &, of course, cooking.
Tomorrow is all about someone else showing that they believe in me. I believe in me, but this is already going to be a tough trip – I give myself 5 years to have a restaurant (I’ll be 43, Ant 45, the kids 9 & 10) – and I really feel that I need at this early stage a positive external sign.
Je commence mes démarches pour prendre un CIF à partir de septembre 2009, je veux devenir chef. Je viens de découvrir votre site, je suis contente de pouvoir lire votre expérience.
Avez-vous des conseils sur le choix de l’organisme de formation?
merci de votre réponse.