Day 2 at “La Fontaine”….
So, what do I know ? From the menu I can do, * tartare de bar et saumon * petite friture de calmars (3 / 4 mins à la friteuse, il faut défaire ou agiter les tentacules avec une grande fourchette une fois les têtes sont dans l’huile) * moules de bouchot à la marinière […]
Day 1 at “La Fontaine”
OK, so it’s started….now it’s down to business. My first day at “La Fontaine Gaillon” has started, 9 til 6pm. The team is good, professional, with most of them having worked together for a number of years having followed the chef, Laurent Audiot, from his previous 1 Michelin star restaurant. I’ll review my experience at […]
work experience in a kitchen better than advertising ??
I remember when I first did work experience when I was 16 years old – I said that I fancied doing Advertising (ended up at “The Advertiser”, a free newspaper in Gosforth in the suburbs of Newcastle On Tyne….I think that I envisaged skyscrapers / big city / sharp suits / high concepts..!!)…obviously not true, […]